Man Up

A special Father’s Day message from Fr Hans Jacobse of St. Paisios Brotherhood

Fr. Hans Jacobse has been a priest in the Orthodox Church for over thirty years. His service to men began in earnest over ten years ago when a young man approached him asking for help in learning how to become a man. As he embarked on this work more young men approached him and as he gained experienced it grew to where men began contacting from all around the country. 

Fr. Hans has a BA in History from the University of Minnesota, studied the Greek Language from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece where he lived for a year and started and English language school, a sought-after speaker, and contributed numerous articles to various venues on religion and culture.

brotherhood of st paisios

“Manliness is when you give yourself completely to God.”


The Brotherhood of St. Paisios is a fraternal order of Orthodox Christian men established to recover authentic manhood in a world where manhood is diminished and men have grown weak. We draw from the sacred teachings the Orthodox Christian faith that teaches that God calls men to develop virtue and strength of character. Men are to fight the flesh and the devil in order to bring good into the world, protect the weak and infirm, build families, and defeat enemies. 


  • To define, recover and restore authentic masculinity in the hearts of men.
  • To expose the lies that keep men weak and enslave them to vices and bind them to ideologies.
  • To foster and nurture authentic fellowship between men so that a man can discover and grow into who he was created to be.

What St. Paisios Brotherhood Does

  • Creates and supports local face to face brotherhoods rooted in Orthodox parishes.
  • Arranges for regular gatherings of like-minded when where authentic relationships between men can be forged.
  • Recruits and trains qualified men to form a network of mentors to help other men realize and achieve their high calling in Christ. 

About the author

Fr. Hans Jacobse has been a priest in the Orthodox Church for over thirty years. His service to men began in earnest over ten years ago when a young man approached him asking for help in learning how to become a man. As he embarked on this work more young men approached him and as he gained experienced it grew to where men began contacting from all around the country.

Fr. Hans has a BA in History from the University of Minnesota, studied the Greek Language from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece where he lived for a year and started and English language school, a sought-after speaker, and contributed numerous articles to various venues on religion and culture.

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