Fr. Zechariah Lynch

My name is Zechariah Lynch. I am an Orthodox Christian. I am an Orthodox priest. I have freely given myself to be influenced and guided by the Orthodox Faith: it is the main foundation upon which I will endeavor to base my thoughts and observations for this blog.

I believe in things like Truth, Goodness, and Beauty; that humanity is subject to higher principles. Ultimately I believe in God.

I will be mixing the proverbial “religion and politics.” I will also simply be reflecting on various issues of life. Sometimes everyday things; sometimes global events. An organic and cohesive philosophy spans all aspects of life. Everyone has a “philosophy” for life. But I am not a relativist, thus I do not think that all ideas are true and equal. Although ideas they may be.

My articles are my thoughts and opinions. Although, as stated above, I have diligently sought to guide them by the standard of Orthodox Christianity.

My writing credentials do not come from the fact that I have an M.Div, for instance. My credentials remain in the fact that I am striving to base my thoughts and way of life upon the Revelation of the Holy Trinity as given to the Eklessia. Or in the words of Fr. Seraphim (Rose), “Far be it from me to presume to speak for the Church; but I can at least speak of some of the things I think I have learned from Her.”

This Revelation is very objective. Humanity has not been left without standards. God revealed Himself by becoming Man. He left us the Church, His Body, as the “pillar and ground of truth” (cf. 1 Tim. 3:15); we have the testimony of Jesus Christ and the Apostles – the Scriptures. We have a two thousand year experience of Christian living and teaching (tradition). These are all very concrete and empirical.


My dear readers, during this most beautiful week of the Cross, in the middle of …

Below the reader will find a beautiful account of a disciple who through his seeming …

Incite questions, or clear attack, as to the motive and character of your opponent, discredit …

Words and consolation from our sweetest Lord Jesus come in various ways. This past week …

A core teaching of “climate change” is that humanity itself is the primary problem. The proponents of …

I remember back to my elementary school days in the 1980s, I had a sweet …

Here is the second part of a portion of St. Nikolai Velimirovich’s work entitled, War …

A bit ago, my wife came upon an audio version, in Russian, of a work …

St. Seraphim reminds us that the only way to rise up from the darkness that …

The “divisions” in global Orthodoxy center heavily around ecclesial events in Ukraine where, in an …

Many people are already familiar with the theological teaching behind the use of icons as …

As Orthodox Christians living in the 21st century we as traversing through perilous times. The Truth …

On June 5th, of the year 1595, nine Ruthenian Orthodox Bishops gathered in the city …

St. Seraphim lived during the Communist Revolution in Russia, a time of great upheaval and …

Below the reader will find my translation from the Russian of a small section from …

Ultimately, every earthly authority is allowed by God. Even evil rulers do not arise outside …

Millions upon millions of martyrs; a concrete number is hard to ascertain. Indeed, it is …

St. Nikon was one of the last Elders of the Monastery of Optina. He served …

Below the reader will find part two of the very spiritually profitable talk given by …

Below the reader will find a most spiritually profitable talk given by Archbishop Averky of …