Join Our Directory​

Welcome to the Patristic Faith Fellowship Directory page, which features Orthodox Christian-owned businesses and services providers. The purpose of this directory is to help Orthodox Christians keep their dollars within the Orthodox community, build relationships with fellow Orthodox, and build a resilient Orthodox economy and community. The long-term aim is to have a strong Orthodox economy running in parallel to the mainstream economy. Be advised that the businesses listed here are not vetted by the Fellowship, nor does a listing imply any endorsement of a business by the Fellowship. The Patristic Faith Fellowship makes no warranties of any kind concerning the products or services provided or work performed by the businesses listed herein. It is entirely the responsibility of the consumer to exercise due diligence when entering into a relationship with any business.

If you are an Orthodox business owner or service provider and would like to list your business/services on this page, please add your listing below. Please send questions and suggestions to

Click here for more details on how to add your listing.

The listing you are trying to access is currently inactive or no longer available.
Short Description
Tax preparation and tax planning for individuals and their businesses.
Company Email
Listing Tags
440 45th Ave NE
Naples, FL 34120
Listing Category
Short Description
Orthodox baptismal robes
Company Email
Listing Tags
3745 Chestnut Avenue
Kansas City, Mo 64128

How to submit your company for review:

  1. Click “Add Listing” Button
  2.  Button takes you to the login page. Click “Register” if you don’t have an account.
  3. The choose your industry
  4. Then enter in your company info
  5. Then hit “Complete Listing” button to submit your entry
  6. You’re done!