St. Theophilus of Antioch & 2nd Century Christian Apologetics Against Paganism

Today I’ve read St. Theophilus of Antioch’s “Ad Autolycum”, which is his apology of Christianity against the errors of paganism. His approach and the questions that he deals with in his “Ad Autolycum” are very critical to understand how Christians in the 2nd Century dealt with pagan objections and what doctrines they defend.

St. Theophilus argues for the Trinity, do note that this is two centuries before Nicaea. This shows that the doctrine of the Trinity was not a controversial belief for Christians. He also argues for the literal interpretation of Genesis, and says it is the most reliable and authentic historical document out of all historical documents that existed in his day! He also mentions that even the Greek oracles tell the Greeks to stop worshipping idols, and rather to worship the one uncreated divine creator God who is a Father. 

St. Theophilus of Antioch & 2nd Century Christian Apologetics Against Paganism

I also recommend everyone review my presentation of St. Athenagoras of Athens’ defense of Christianity against Pagan accusations of his time. The epistle I discussed is called “A Plea for the Christians”.

About the author

David Erhan headshot

David Erhan (previously known as therealMedWhite) is an Orthodox convert from Turkey who mostly focuses on Christological disputes concerning the Monophysite crisis. He's also the creator of the "History of Christian Theology" series on YouTube where he explains the theology of the great Church Fathers such as the Cappadocians, Hilary, Ambrose, Cyril, Maximus, and John of
Damascus which help reveal the true Apostolic Christianity the world has

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