Archpriest Alexander F. C. Webster, Ph.D.
Archpriest Alexander F. C. Webster, Ph.D., retired in August 2019 as Dean and Professor of Moral Theology Emeritus at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York. He also retired in June 2010 as a U.S. Army chaplain in the rank of Colonel after a quarter century of service in uniform, his last five years back on active duty primarily to conduct twelve periodic visits to the American and Coalition troops of Eastern Orthodox Christian faith in the combat areas of Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as Kuwait and Qatar. Archpriest Alexander holds academic degrees in History from the University of Pennsylvania (A.B., 1972), History & Education from Columbia University (M.A., 1975), Theology from Harvard University Divinity School (M.T.S.,1977), and Religion / Social Ethics from the University of Pittsburgh (Ph.D., 1988). In addition to 50 scholarly articles and book chapters, as well as more than 100 op-ed articles and interviews in newspapers, magazines, and online, he is the author of four books on religious ethical themes and co-editor of another. Following ordination to the Holy Priesthood in September 1982, he served for a total of 26 years as rector of Orthodox parishes in Clairton, PA, Falls Church, VA, and Stafford, VA. Currently adjunct professor of Religious Studies at George Mason University, Archpriest Alexander has also taught at eleven institutions of higher education including George Washington U., Virginia Theological Seminary, and the University of Maryland University College in Okinawa, Japan. He has been married for 49 years to Matushka Kathleen, and they are blessed with four children and three grandchildren.
So began a poem familiar to any baby-boomer who attended public elementary school in America …
Eric Patterson and Alexander Webster discuss the conflict in Ukraine, particularly discussing motivations behind the …