Theology of the Icon

Orthodox Conference

"Theology of the Icon: Image and Likeness"

November 8th, 2024
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Palm Coast, Florida


Embark on a spiritual journey and discover the true meaning of the Icon!

The Theology of the Icon

 The theme for this conference is “The Theology of the Icon: Image and Likeness.” The theology of the icon is both essential and foundational to our Orthodox Faith. The icon is much more than religious art. The theology of the icon expresses the image and likeness of God, and it demonstrates the correct teaching regarding the Incarnation, Christology, anthropology, soteriology, marriage, the family, ascesis, etc. in a way that invites the participant/devotee to experientially learn true theology in the incarnational Trinitarian manner that leads not only to a renewal of the mind but a change in the very being of the person so as to become conformed to the likeness of God. Therefore, we invite you to join us for the Theology of the Icon Conference and learn about the true meaning of the theology of the icon. Discover the truth faith. Discover the meaning of Orthodoxy!

What to expect:

  • Theme: The Theology of the Icon
  • Speakers: Fr. Vladimir Kaydanov, Fr. Theodore Stavru, Fr. Deacon Ananias, and Jay Dyer


Father Vladimir Kaydanov

Rev. Fr. Vladimir Kaydanov is a Rector of the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Palm Coast and a professor of art history, Florence Classical Arts Academy in Italy. Born in St Petersburg, Russia, his journey through art began with studies at Hermitage State museum and, after decades of visual arts studies, led to theological graduate work focusing on Church art history, iconography and architecture. His original research is concentrated around geometric compositional analysis of the visual language traditionally employed by the old masters. Focus of the current presentation is St Andrei Rublev’s masterpiece icon of the Holy Trinity. In this premiering lecture, “Cosmos of The Trinity”, we are all invited to reverently approach, gazing at the immeasurable heights of the Orthodox Icon.

Father Theodore Stavru

Fr. Theodore Stavru is an Orthodox priest who served in Greek parishes in the 1970's until he was received into the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in 1980 by Metropolitan Philaret. He served the Dormition parish in New Hampshire and worked as a Disability Examiner and Hearings Officer for Social Security. Upon retiring to Florida in 2000, he served in various parishes and jurisdictions until he was officially assigned to the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Palm Coast, assisting Fr. Vladimir Kaydanov. Fr. Theodore will share personal and family experiences with holy icons.

Fr Deacon Ananias Headshot

Father Deacon Ananias

Fr. Deacon Ananias Sorem, PhD is CEO, Founder, and President of Patristic Faith, as well as the Founder and Organizer of Orthodox MontaNika. Father is an Orthodox apologist and teaches Philosophy at Carroll College. He serves with Fr. Russell Rodoicich at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Butte, MT. Fr. Deacon has a BA in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College, together with an MA (Honors) and PhD in Philosophy (Epistemology; Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Mind) from University College Dublin. His current academic work focuses on philosophical theology, epistemology, and the philosophy of science. Father is the author of several articles and peer-reviewed papers. He is also known for his YouTube channel, the Norwegian Nous (now Patristic Faith), where he provides content on theology, apologetics, logic, and philosophy.

Jay Dyer Headshot

Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film and he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. A popular YouTuber, Jay has been featured on numerous radio, TV broadcasts & podcasts, including debates with some of the world’s top debaters.

Price and Registration

  • General Admission is $30 

Conference Ticket

Limited Quantity
$ 30
  • Includes 1 General Admission


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