Humility does not require we think poorly of ourselves, nor be given over to self-loathing. Just as we must not be over-lauding ourselves, we must not sink to a state of self-loathing, for both states have their basis
Humility does not require we think poorly of ourselves, nor be given over to self-loathing. Just as we must not be over-lauding ourselves, we must not sink to a state of self-loathing, for both states have their basis
We all have a natural tendency to lay blame on others, when in truth we must blame only ourselves. When facing our own sins and shortcomings, it is always easy to put the blame on others, yet our
Gray high-rise apartment buildings loomed in the gray overcast sky. Through the dust-covered window of the charter van, I watched as we passed an overcrowded electric trolley bus which was leaning heavily to one side. I wondered how
Below is my translation from the Russian of the eighth sermon by New Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinski) on the Divine Liturgy. The preceding sermons may be found here. This is a continuing series.
On Living Simply by St. John Chrysostom is a little book that is packed with Christian wisdom. As an anti-materialist, St. John teaches the Christian to keep his eyes on the next world instead of accumulating wealth in
Christianity is a religion of asceticism, instructing us to store up our treasures in heaven, where the benefits have eternal value. Throughout the New Testament we read of the importance of struggle, where focus on the acquisition of
The reader will find below a most pertinent letter by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. In it, he addresses mentalities and ideas that have only become more accentuated in our times. As Orthodox Christians, St. Ignatius calls us to cultivate
In this post, my dear reader, you will find sermon seven on the Divine Liturgy, by St. Seraphim (Zvezdinsky). Translating is very instructive. A number of times I’ve encountered references to certain things or practices that I am
EXCLUSIVE! Paradise Lost News has obtained exclusive access to the transcript of the first ecumenical dialogue of love, as it has been called, that is taking place this day in Eden itself. The transcript contains the address of
Below the reader will find my continued work in translating the sermons of New Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinski) on the Divine Liturgy. May these sermons deepen in us a love and awe for the holy and divinely revealed worship