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In an era when traditional Christians face many challenges from the modern world that threaten their faith, Patristic Faith presents a thoughtful educational and apologetic ministry to combat the dangers of various secular ideas and philosophies destructive and contrary to the Orthodox Faith. Here we offer reasoned and reflective essays and videos on issues relating to theology, philosophy, culture, apologetics, ethics, and asceticism, written by some of the best Orthodox minds, including clergy and laity. In such perilous times, we at Patristic Faith strive to preserve the traditions and faith of the Church Fathers. We are committed to providing an evangelizing and educational ministry that equips Christians with the necessary tools to actively live out the faith of the Apostles, the faith of the fathers, the faith of the Orthodox, the faith that established the universe.  

About the author

Fr Deacon Ananias Headshot

Fr. Deacon Ananias Sorem, PhD is CEO, Founder, and President of Patristic Faith. Father is an Orthodox apologist and Professor of Philosophy at Fullerton College and Carroll College. He has a BA in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College, together with an MA (Honors) and PhD in Philosophy (Epistemology; Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Mind) from University College Dublin. His current academic work focuses on philosophical theology, epistemology, and the philosophy of science. Father is the author of several articles and peer-reviewed papers, including: “Searle, Materialism, and the Mind-Body Problem,” “Gnostic Scientism and Technocratic Totalitarianism,” “An Orthodox Approach to the Dangers of Modernity and Technology,” and “An Orthodox Theory of Knowledge: The Epistemological and Apologetic Methods of the Church Fathers.” He is also known for his YouTube channel, the Norwegian Nous, where he provides content on theology, apologetics, logic, and philosophy.

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4 thoughts on “Please Donate to Patristic Faith”

  1. I stumbled upon your site from Jay dyer, God bless what you are doing. I just sent $50 and hope you can say a prayer for me to overcome my sins and walk right.
    Lord Jesus Son of God have Mercy on us sinners!

  2. Dear Father Sorem, This is to honor you, all of you there and Father Spyridon. My name is John Harrison Bertrand. In 1978, Fr. George C Pantelis handed me "The Way of a Pilgrim". Thirteen months later he was murdered in his church in Buffalo NY. 90 days after Fr. Pantelis' death, I asked his presbytera if someone could represent me as I became an Orthodox christian. Fr. George's 13 old son became my godfather. Years later, I married Victoria, Fr. George's beloved spouse and a day does not go by that I can say that Fr. George "saved my life" through his ministery. And that his beloved Victoria is my life. You can find part of our story be searching Of A Woman by John Harrison Bertrand on You Tube. A love letter to "our" Victoria. And read by Jonathan Jackson, singer, actor, director and author. One of the most humble people I know through his calling to our beloved Orthodox Church. 400 Beach Road #135 John's Island, Vero Beach Florida. 32963 PS: for 8.5 years now. I have had the honor to pray LORD JESUS CHRIST SON OF GOD HAVE MERCY ON ME, A SINNER. 1000 times a day. In CHRIST and HIS MERCY beyond my understanding. We will be sending you $1000.00.

    1. God bless you and your family. Thank you so much for your support and charitable donation. This will be a huge help for our ministry. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

      Our prayers for you and your family,
      The Patristic Faith Team

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