Fr Hans Jacobse

 Fr. Hans Jacobse has been a priest in the Orthodox Church for over thirty years. He is a senior contributor and a spiritual advisor for Patristic Faith’s team. He has a BA in History from the University of Minnesota, studied the Greek Language from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece where he lived for a year and started and English language school, a sought-after speaker, and contributed numerous articles to various venues on religion and culture.

In addition to the duties of being a priest, Fr Hans runs the St. Paisios Brotherhood movement which we encourage every man to look into and start a chapter at your local parish.


What is the Parable of the Good Samaritan really teaching us? Father Hans sermon from …

Fr Hans' sermon for the 6th Sunday of Luke, James (Iakovos) the Apostle, brother of …

Fr Hans Jacobse discusses disorder in the man and its effects in the world. …

Fr Hans Jacobse delivers a sermon on the feast of Saint John the Baptist's Beheading.

Fr Hans Jacobse discusses how his recent trip to Europe opened his eyes to the …

A special July 4th message from Father Hans about the USA and it's critics on …

Fr Hans’ sermon on July 3, 2022 teaches on the establishment & founding of the …

In addition to sharing St. John Maximvitch's story, Fr Hans teaches on the Holy of …

A special Father's Day message from Fr Hans Jacobse. He touches on the importance of …