Dr. David Bradshaw on Divine Simplicity and Essence Energy Distinction
Dr. David Bradshaw joins me to talk about the more difficult and advanced aspects of Essence Energy Distinction and how it relates to the Doctrine of Divine Simplicity.
Dr. David Bradshaw joins me to talk about the more difficult and advanced aspects of Essence Energy Distinction and how it relates to the Doctrine of Divine Simplicity.
Many Protestants use 1 Timothy 2:5 as an anti-ecclesial quote, this video explains the main purpose of St. Paul’s statement about Christ being the one mediator in the sense that Christ mediates the two natures: Divinity and humanity
The doctrine of the divine energies in so-called “Palamism” is very controversial and seen as a 14th century innovation, but it in fact has a very strong scriptural basis for its existence, this video aims to explore this