A True Mind and an Evil Mind
Below the reader will find my translation from the Russian of a small section from the works of St. Dimitry of Rostov on acquiring a true and right mind. This topic is of great importance. In a time
Below the reader will find my translation from the Russian of a small section from the works of St. Dimitry of Rostov on acquiring a true and right mind. This topic is of great importance. In a time
Foundational to Christian living is the remembrance of God. Remembrance while waking. Remembrance while at work. Remembrance while fulfilling the duties of life. Remembrance while going to sleep. The Christian must be cultivating the remembrance of God in
“Let this mind be in you …” (Phil. 2:5).
Mind, in the above instance in the Greek, phroneo. When applied to the Christian life it means, basically, to have understanding, to be wise. To think as to think