Fr Spyridon on how we cannot run from spiritual warfare
Fr Spyridon on how we cannot run from spiritual warfare
Living According To God’s Will was written by Metropolitan Philaret, first hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, whose relics were found to be incorrupt, indicating a saintly life. This book is aimed at those who are new to
At The Ringing Of The Bells details the lives and faith of three monks (Hieromonk Vasily, Monk Therapont, and Monk Trophim) who were all killed by a Satanist during a Paschal celebration at the Optina Monastery in Russia
The Ladder Of Divine Ascent by Saint John Climacus is a book intended for monks and the spiritually advanced, yet I read it as a neophyte around the time of my baptism into the Orthodox Church. Much of
On Wealth and Poverty is my second book by Saint John Chrysostom, a Church Father who is highly venerated in the Orthodox Church. It is difficult to find a set of his complete works so the best I
We have moved from a period in which little Samuel said, “speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth,” to one in which we now say, “Listen, Lord, for thy servant speaketh.” Our American culture has become so enamored, even
In this stream I am joined by Fr. Turbo Qualls to discuss our experience with occultism, the nature of magic, the saving grace of Orthodox Christianity, and the life of the Saints as role models in our fight
In this stream I discuss how we are all being played off against each other in Satan’s historical process of divide and conquer. The elites of the world stand no chance against our unity. All unity is found
The fasting from certain foods is only one part of the fasting struggle. Resist the error of focusing only on those outer things.