Filioque, and Why Orthodox Christianity Rejects It
David Erhan gives a brief theological presentation on the Filioque and why Orthodox Christianity rejects it.
David Erhan gives a brief theological presentation on the Filioque and why Orthodox Christianity rejects it.
Another Filioque video, this time a response against Catholic Answers. This video refutes Tim Staples’ article on the Filioque and the Filioque quote mine to illustrate that not only is Catholic Answers wrong on the Filioque, they in
The doctrine of the divine energies in so-called “Palamism” is very controversial and seen as a 14th century innovation, but it in fact has a very strong scriptural basis for its existence, this video aims to explore this
St. Maximus the Confessor’s Letter to Marinus is a somewhat popular prooftext used by Roman Catholic Apologists in which they attempt to argue that St. Maximus was a filioquist. This video explains in detail why such an argument
Is the filioque an addition or a clarification to the creed? What does it mean that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son? How do we make sense of scripture and the Fathers in some
In this stream I look at St. Gregory the Theologian’s Five Theological Orations and his letters to Cledonius. Although these orations aren’t exclusively exhaustive of his theological thought, they demonstrate his views against the heresies of his time.
For the Orthodox Theophany is known as the Feast of the waters. Water is one of these special things that God has given us. Water when blessed retains the blessing. It retains the the action of God’s grace.
St. Mark of Ephesus was a defender of Orthodoxy in the Council of Florence where he rebutted the Latin view of theological issues such as purgatory and Filioque. This video shortly examines some of his prominent arguments against
What do anti-Orthodox Catholic memes and liberal memes share in common? Both are full of text that no one wants to waste time reading. Jokes aside, the standard of arguments from Roman Catholics have not progressed for centuries
Fr Dcn Dr Ananias and Lewis join me to discuss the seminal scholarly survey of the The Filioque: History of a Doctrinal Controversy. The first comprehensive overview in English of the developments of the Filioque doctrine. We will