Filioque Refuted

Another Filioque video, this time a response against Catholic Answers. This video refutes Tim Staples’ article on the Filioque and the Filioque quote mine to illustrate that not only is Catholic Answers wrong on the Filioque, they in fact reject Roman Catholic dogma on the Filioque! Of course there will be people very angry at the fact that I even dared to defend my faith and critiqued an article that stated many factually wrong things, but those who can see through the matrix I think will genuinely appreciate to see the genuine eastern patristic tradition being used to understand the Filioque controversy which is exactly what’s needed.

About the author

David Erhan headshot

David Erhan (previously known as therealMedWhite) is an Orthodox convert from Turkey who mostly focuses on Christological disputes concerning the Monophysite crisis. He's also the creator of the "History of Christian Theology" series on YouTube where he explains the theology of the great Church Fathers such as the Cappadocians, Hilary, Ambrose, Cyril, Maximus, and John of
Damascus which help reveal the true Apostolic Christianity the world has

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2 thoughts on “Filioque Refuted”

  1. Have you read the New English book from Uncut Mountain Press Saint Gregory Palamas (2) Apodictic Treatises on the Procession of the Holy Spirit¿ Can you Dávid Erhan do a response to this and also to Saint Photius Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit¿

  2. God found me where I was in my sins through John 15:26 NKJV in Fr. Péter E. Gillquist. (1989). Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith. 1st ed. Brentwood, TN: Ŵolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers. Later because I confessed the Nicene Creed of the Church (Without Filioque) and renounced Sátán and his,works and repented and was baptized in ROCOR OR I was saved by God and beginning a new Orthodox life in Christ.

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