The Definitive Orthodox Opinion on Halloween
Fr Moses gives the definitive Orthodox Christian opinion on Halloween
Fr Moses gives the definitive Orthodox Christian opinion on Halloween
Incite questions, or clear attack, as to the motive and character of your opponent, discredit him, and thereby circumvent addressing any viable and legitimate topics or issues he may raise or present. In modern times this is called
The impact of television is in direct conflict with the teaching of the Church Fathers
Politicians do not have the authority to determine whether abortion is permissible.
A core teaching of “climate change” is that humanity itself is the primary problem. The proponents of “climate change” clearly state things like, “Scientists have no doubt that humans are causing global warming.” What then is the vital
I remember back to my elementary school days in the 1980s, I had a sweet bowl-cut, knee-high socks – yes, white with colored stripes on the top – plaid shorts and a long underwear shirt under my tee-shirt.
Fr. Paul Girgis, head priest and pastor at St. Paul Orthodox Christian Church in Naples, FL, recently interviewed Fr. Turbo to discuss finding wisdom, repentance, and joy on the royal path.
A Conversation with Fr. John Whiteford and Joseph Sciambra on LGBT’s war on Orthodox Christianity
The use of the word “ecumenical” with reference to the Church has been twisted to mean something entirely different than it has meant historically. The word itself literally means “universal,” but in the context of the Church it
Holy Scripture says that you will know a tree by its fruit. What kind of tree will the world, non-Orthodox Christians, identify us as? In other words, will we be known as Orthodox Christians? First, we may want