Orthodox Discord

Orthodox Christian Discord Server

Orthodox Christian Discord Server is a channel on the social media platform called “Discord,” a platform that is generally used for messaging, connecting users to themselves via various channels within Discord, sending videos and photos, uploading media, etc. However, we have decided to use this successful platform to create the Orthodox Christian Discord channel to bring more awareness to the online world about the Orthodox Faith.

The Orthodox Christian Discord has proven to be hugely successful. It is the largest Orthodox Discord channel. We have approximately 8 thousand members who actively participate on this channel. We have 1 Metropolitan Bishop, 8 Orthodox priests, and 4 deacons that participate on this channel. Our clergy are often available to provide answers to questions about Orthodoxy and give pastoral guidance. In addition, we have many resources available including book recommendations, lectures, and a large PDF bank of articles and texts on a range of topics (e.g., philosophy, theology, liturgics, scripture, science, politics, etc.). We also have several voice channels that members can access to discuss various issues, debate, hear talks, and even join in prayer led by some of our clergy.

If you are curious about the Orthodox faith or if you are already Orthodox and want to know more about your faith, if you think that the Orthodox faith is wrong and want to debate, then this is the place for you. This really is the server to be on if you want to engage in scholarly discussions about the Orthodox faith and/or meet new people interested in Orthodoxy, philosophy, theology, and science.


About the author

Fr Deacon Ananias Headshot

Fr. Deacon Ananias Sorem, PhD is CEO, Founder, and President of Patristic Faith. Father is an Orthodox apologist and Professor of Philosophy at Fullerton College and Carroll College. He has a BA in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College, together with an MA (Honors) and PhD in Philosophy (Epistemology; Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Mind) from University College Dublin. His current academic work focuses on philosophical theology, epistemology, and the philosophy of science. Father is the author of several articles and peer-reviewed papers, including: “Searle, Materialism, and the Mind-Body Problem,” “Gnostic Scientism and Technocratic Totalitarianism,” “An Orthodox Approach to the Dangers of Modernity and Technology,” and “An Orthodox Theory of Knowledge: The Epistemological and Apologetic Methods of the Church Fathers.” He is also known for his YouTube channel, the Norwegian Nous, where he provides content on theology, apologetics, logic, and philosophy.

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14 thoughts on “Orthodox Christian Discord Server”

        1. Unfortunately, the link goes down sometimes and when it went down a subversive Oriental Orthodox group on Discord stole our link (URL). So now the link sends you to their Discord. There really is nothing we can do about this subversive action. Therefore, we had to create a new link. It is now fixed on our Patristic Faith page to direct you to the Orthodox Christian Discord server and not the Oriental group. However, here is our new link: https://discord.gg/orthochristian

    1. Unfortunately, the link goes down sometimes and when it went down a subversive Oriental Orthodox group on Discord stole our link (URL). So now the link sends you to their Discord. There really is nothing we can do about this subversive action. Therefore, we had to create a new link. It is now fixed on our Patristic Faith page to direct you to the Orthodox Christian Discord server and not the Oriental group. However, here is our new link: https://discord.gg/orthochristian

  1. The link doesn't seem to be valid anymore. I'd really like to connect, my discord tag is mysticat03, incase the link still doesn't work

    1. Unfortunately, the link goes down sometimes and when it went down a subversive Oriental Orthodox group on Discord stole our link (URL). So now the link sends you to their Discord. There really is nothing we can do about this subversive action. Therefore, we had to create a new link. It is now fixed on our Patristic Faith page to direct you to the Orthodox Christian Discord server and not the Oriental group. However, here is our new link: https://discord.gg/orthochristian

  2. Is there an updated link to the discord server? I have literally searched for weeks for a working invite link and there is nothing.

    1. Unfortunately, the link goes down sometimes and when it went down a subversive Oriental Orthodox group on Discord stole our link (URL). So now the link sends you to their Discord. There really is nothing we can do about this subversive action. Therefore, we had to create a new link. It is now fixed on our Patristic Faith page to direct you to the Orthodox Christian Discord server and not the Oriental group. However, here is our new link: https://discord.gg/orthochristian

    1. Unfortunately, the link goes down sometimes and when it went down a subversive Oriental Orthodox group on Discord stole our link (URL). So now the link sends you to their Discord. There really is nothing we can do about this subversive action. Therefore, we had to create a new link. It is now fixed on our Patristic Faith page to direct you to the Orthodox Christian Discord server and not the Oriental group. However, here is our new link: https://discord.gg/orthochristian

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