The Nearness of Martyrdom

The Nearness of Martyrdom

Christians are called to be cross-bearers

The world tries to claim that the time of confessors and martyrs belongs to those first three centuries of the Christian church. It was during that Roman pagan period that Christians were martyred. We have images of the Colosseum and we’re reminded of those souls who were cast before lions and gladiators and lost their lives in this way. But historians tell us that in the 20th century more Christians were put to death in the USSR under the atheistic communists than in the entire first three centuries of the church.

About the author

Fr Spyridon headshot

Father Spyridon is an Orthodox priest serving in ROCOR in England and a prolific author of many spiritual books. Orthodoxy And The Kingdom of Satan has drawn most attention because of its exploration into the ways in which Satan is working to construct a One World Government through the institutions we see in today’s world. It explains how many trends in modern culture, including Hollywood, ecumensim and the arms trade are being exploited to enslave us. Fr Spyridon spoke out about the sexual deviance in Hollywood long before the Harvey Weinstein case hit the media.
Fr Spyridon’s most recent book, The UFO Deception, explores the UFO phenomenon and identifies how movies, technology and philosophy have been used to guide public perception of what is happening. But as a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, he demonstrates a much longer history that lies behind it, and how a terrible deception is at work.

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