The Orthodox Missionary Crisis in America

Despite hundreds of years of Orthodox Christianity in North America…

At least 98% of the citizens Canada and America are unaware of the benefits and spiritual treasures available in Christ’s Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church. Clearly, we are not following the Great Commission effectively, nor are we following in the footsteps of great Orthodox missionary saints, including those who served on this continent.

To effectively evangelize, Orthodoxy in America and Canada needs mission parishes and full-time priests serving them. Even when a priest is lucky to have a mission parish, the parish is often unable to provide a livable salary. Countless Orthodox clergy who could missionize our fellow citizens are busy working secular jobs (often times, very low paying) just to put bread on the table. Unless we can do a better job funding missions, we will never fulfill the will of Christ.

How Can We Bring Christ to Our Neighbors?

Share the Faith Ministries Orthodox Missionary Priest Fund of North America is a non-profit, Pan-Orthodox organization dedicated to leading people to Orthodoxy through raising monies to supplement Orthodox clergy who serve very small or needy parishes.

Your donations allow Share the Faith to bridge the financial gap by making Missionary Priest grants available to good priests so they may reach the spiritually hungry. Your assistance will allow us to help supplement the income of Orthodox pastors and their families who would be happy to:

  1. Serve needy parishes worthy of assistance,
  2. Start missions
  3. Work on behalf of already established parishes.

Your donations to Share the Faith builds missions by making Missionary Priest grants available to good priests so they may fulfill the will of Christ. With more fulltime clergy, we can support more parishes. Without robust parish life, there is no Holy Orthodoxy!

Click here to find out more about our mission and all the ways you can help spread the Gospel

Ready to help fund missions in North America?

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